Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Modern Technology? Is there any relation with PHYSICS?

In the middle of twentieth century, scientific progress seems to go forward in bounds. Too often physics was seen as a pure science, a study talked about unimportant things, isolated from "real technologies" world. But it just a framework for people that don't understand physics completely. As long as you know, basic from nano particle has been started from physics. Flashdisk? that also a result of modern physics. Live has changed, clasical physics also changed into modern physics. Let we see, laser is a classic example on how science, technology, society, environment and human are unity system. We do already know that science has a lasting impact on the world. There are symbiotic relationship that exists between science, technology, society, and environment.

To many people, science and technology are almost one. There's no doubt that they're very closely related. Technology has very quickly refined and improved its operation. Back to the laser, it use widespread. Supermarket scanners, surveying, surgery, medical equipment are just a few of an innovations of laser technology. So, it would be impossible to separate the importance of science and technology of society, because they're intimated closely. Enough hard to break them up.

Just like another innovations, some developments always have their plus-minus impacts. We increasing demand for energy has strained our environment to its limits. While demanding more and more energy, has also demanded science and technology find alternative source of energy. That's why we found of nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and also fossil as our energy sources. Well, it slowly being a two-edged sword
Did you remembered about a history of computer? First time it invented, computer is being a huge size. But as long as time goes now inventions in technology have resulted in the ability to put more and more powerful computers into a smaller and really smaller pieces. How about disk? Well I've been grown up in the middle of using floppy disk, maybe in my junior high school. Wow it was really expensive at the time. But world always change, technology give us a great development. Now we can use a micro sd that can save until 16 Gigabyte, with a small price of course.

Same things happen on car too. Now we can use hybrid car which hybrid autos that run on both electricity and gasoline can greatly reduce pollutions. Isn't that great? Cars built of carbon composite materials are lighter and stronger than car made of traditional materials. Computer controlled ignition and fuel systems increase motor efficiency. Then, all of those factors can assist in protecting the environment. Important to remembered, we could built a huge inventions of technology and science, but it wouldn't make a sense if we couldn't protect our environment with our technology.

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