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Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

When physics talk about fever

Well, I think most of people have been getting a fever before. Here I can say that fever is a saver. Magic answer. How could?  We know as biologist system fever is a protective self defense mechanism of the body, when disease becomes threat to life or organs.

The temperature of fever is to act as a saver.
In physical appearance, the temperature and shivering of fever is a warning signal of a disease and its action comes under protective self defense mechanism of the body. Fever temperature and discomfort comes under the protective covering definition.The decrease of essential temperature to maintain life is the cause of fever. Cause of decrease of essential temperature is the actions of troubles and problems made by disease.

Owing to many reasons, the essential temperature of the body may get lowered. But it cannot be reduced beyond a certain limit, since such a situation endangers life. When the temperature of the body goes down below the limit, the temperature from inside may expel outside the body and destroy the remaining temperature and may result in the loss of life. In order to avoid this dangerous situation, the defense mechanism of the body creates temperature for the body to preserve it. The temperature of fever is to act as a saver. In fever condition how much essential temperature decreased in the body, corresponding temperature is produced to generate counter balance of the decreasing essential temperature. Temperature of fever like hot pot protects temperature loss of hot-water, the body might be preserving the temperature. It is this protective covering in the body like temperature of fever and discomfort being destroyed without knowing the usage about it.

Temperature decreasing symptoms and signals.
Fever patient feels the symptoms and signals of temperature decreases. If we apply heat to the body by heat pad or hot bag, the patient will like the heat, if we apply temperature removing methods, the patient feel temperature decreasing is the symptom of heat decreasing. Then we apply more temperature reducing methods to the body, the shrinking of skin and blood vessels is an evidence of temperature decrease. If we reduce fever temperature , body starts to shiver-an action-This is the warning and signal of temperature decreasing. If temperature is increased, the feeling of temperature decrease is not felt. A patient feels all the symptoms, activities, signs of temperature decreases. The fever patient feels temperature decreasing is the symptom of temperature decreasing itself.If the temperature is increased, there is no technology in this world to make us feel that temperature is decreased.There is no technology in this world, which makes one cover the body and like heat when temperature is increased.

Why does our body shiver when temperature of fever increases?
Shivering of body is like an inverter used to do work most essential lights and machines in emergency due to power failure. During fever one shivers because of the lack of enough temperature in shivering area. In other words if a body have enough temperature to maintain its normal body temperature it will not shiver. The decrease of essential temperature to maintain life is the cause of shivering.

A protective covering has an ability to make other actions.
During fever sponge with water is used to reduce temperature , then shivering takes place to produce heat. Shivering is a productive action.

Why decreasing thirst, appetite, digestion and motion when there is fever temperature increasing?
The reducing of hunger and thirst, metabolic activities, and similar changes in the body, are all due to get aside the available temperature to preserve the body, by lessening other activities. If the defecation occurs as usual, it will further result in the loss of temperature. If food is not tasty, we will normally decrease the food – intake, which in turn will decrease defecation.

y does a feverish person fell unconscious when there is fever temperature increasing?
hen there is a voltage-decrease, electric gadgets got off, in order to protect the gadget. Similarly when energy level is decreased we feel dizziness and giddiness, unconsciousness, getting tired etc in order to protect the life.
hy the temperature of fever never make difficulties to the patient when there is an increase in temperature?
The fever patient never complaint about the temperature is increasing. But the patient want more heat and heat generating articles because the defense mechanism of the body creates fever temperature.

If heat is applied to a fever person, is there a chance of increasing temperature?
No. The fever temperature is produced by the body as a last resort of protection of life. If the body gets more temperature, then the body stops to create fever temperature.
common basic science
Even though now we are living with a lot of fevers with different names like Leptospira, swine flue, Chikkun Guniya,.. etc, the symptoms of fever patients have many things in common.
All the symptoms and signals of hypothermia can be seen in fever too. That means there is a common basic science behind these phenomena.
It is commonly observed that our body shivers during cold, rainy season, hypothermia and in high fever. The decrease in the temperature affects blood circulation and to avoid this dangerous situation our body makes heat itself by shivering. The body of a feverish person shivers when he is exposed to the cold breeze of the fan. He rejects cold things and desires for having hot food items, warm clothes and stay in bed covering the body.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

I love physics

What is physics?
Physics is a branch of science that studies matter and its motion as well as how it interacts with energy and forces. Physics is a huge subject. There are many branches of physics including electricity, astronomy, motion, waves, sound, and light. Physics studies the smallest elementary particles and atoms as well as the largest stars and the universe.

Scientists who are experts in physics are called physicists. Physicists use the scientific method to test hypotheses and develop scientific laws. Some of the most famous scientists in history are considered physicists such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

Why is physics important?
Physics explains how the world around us works. Many of our modern technologies are based off of scientific discoveries made in the science of physics. Engineers use physics to help design airplanes, cars, buildings, and electronics such as computers and cell phones.

Important Discoveries in Physics
* Nicholas Copernicus - discovered that the Earth rotates around the Sun.
* Galileo - demonstrated that heavy objects do not fall faster than lighter ones in his famous Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment.
* Isaac Newton - published the three laws of motion and explained how gravity works.
* John Dalton - described the atom and the atomic theory of matter.
* Albert Einstein - published the theory of relativity.
* Max Planck - described quantum theory.

Physic? What is it?

So … what do we mean by Physics?

The dictionary definition of physics is “the study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them” , but what that really means is that physics is about asking fundamental questions and trying to answer them by observing and experimenting.

Physicists ask really big questions like:
How did the universe begin?
How will the universe change in the future?
How does the Sun keep on shining?
What are the basic building blocks of matter?
If you think these questions are fascinating, then you’ll like physics.
What do Physicists do?

Many physicists work in ‘pure’ research, trying to find answers to these types of question. The answers they come up with often lead to unexpected technological applications. For example, all of the technology we take for granted today, including games consoles, mobile phones, mp3 players, and DVDs, is based on a theoretical understanding of electrons that was developed around the turn of the 20th century.

Physics doesn’t just deal with theoretical concepts. It’s applied in every sphere of human activity, include
* Development of sustainable forms of energy production
* Treating cancer, through radiotherapy, and diagnosing illness through various types of imaging, all based on physics.
* Developing computer games
* Design and manufacture of sports equipment
* Understanding and predicting earthquakes

…in fact, pretty much every sector you can think of needs people with physics knowledge.
Well, what about mathematics?
Many apparently complicated things in nature can be understood in terms of relatively simple mathematical relationships. Physicists try to uncover these relationships through observing, creating mathematical models, and testing them by doing experiments. The mathematical equations used in physics often look far more complicated than they really are. Nevertheless, if you are going to study physics, you will need to get to grips with a certain amount of maths.

…and computers?
Physicists are increasingly using advanced computers and programming languages in the solution of scientific problems, particularly for modelling complex processes. If the simulation is not based on correct physics, then it has no chance of predicting what really happens in nature. Most degree courses in physics now involve at least some computer programming.

We got a problem!

A Problem in Dynamics
James Clerk Maxwell

An inextensible heavy chain
Lies on a smooth horizontal plane,
An impulsive force is applied at A,
Required the initial motion of K.

Let ds be the infinitesimal link,
Of which for the present we’ve only to think;
Let T be the tension, and T + dT
The same for the end that is nearest to B.

Let a be put, by a common convention,
For the angle at M ‘twixt OX and the tension;
Let Vt and Vn be ds’s velocities,
Of which Vt along and Vn across it is;

Then Vn/Vt the tangent will equal,
Of the angle of starting worked out in the sequel.
In working the problem the first thing of course is
To equate the impressed and effectual forces.

K is tugged by two tensions, whose difference dT
Must equal the element’s mass into Vt.
Vn must be due to the force perpendicular
To ds’s direction, which shows the particular

Advantage of using da to serve at your
Pleasure to estimate ds’s curvature.
For Vn into mass of a unit of chain
Must equal the curvature into the strain.

Thus managing cause and effect to discriminate,
The student must fruitlessly try to eliminate,
And painfully learn, that in order to do it, he
Must find the Equation of Continuity.

The reason is this, that the tough little element,
Which the force of impulsion to beat to a jelly meant,
Was endowed with a property incomprehensible,
And was “given,” in the language of Shop, “inexten-sible.”

It therefore with such pertinacity odd defied
The force which the length of the chain should have modified,
That its stubborn example may possibly yet recall
These overgrown rhymes to their prosody metrical.

The condition is got by resolving again,
According to axes assumed in the plane.
If then you reduce to the tangent and normal,
You will find the equation more neat tho’ less formal.

The condition thus found after these preparations,
When duly combined with the former equations,
Will give you another, in which differentials
(When the chain forms a circle), become in essentials

No harder than those that we easily solve
In the time a T totum would take to revolve.
Now joyfully leaving ds to itself, a-
Ttend to the values of T and of a.

The chain undergoes a distorting convulsion,
Produced first at A by the force of impulsion.
In magnitude R, in direction tangential,
Equating this R to the form exponential,

Obtained for the tension when a is zero,
It will measure the tug, such a tug as the “hero
Plume-waving” experienced, tied to the chariot.
But when dragged by the heels his grim head could not carry aught,

So give a its due at the end of the chain,
And the tension ought there to be zero again.
From these two conditions we get three equations,
Which serve to determine the proper relations

Between the first impulse and each coefficient
In the form for the tension, and this is sufficient
To work out the problem, and then, if you choose,
You may turn it and twist it the Dons to amuse.